Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ride For Mikaela

 Ross Scatchard from Bliss Racing organized a charity ride to benefit our dear friend Mikaela Sienkiewicz.  The ride was at the Catamount Family Center in Williston, VT.  It's been raining in VT for what seams like the entire spring so it's fitting that it had to down pour Friday night and again Saturday morning before the ride.  The rain did stop and turned out to be a BEAUTiful day..(as Mikey would say).

Here we are pre-ride being greeted by Ross.  What a great job he did putting this event together.  A big thanks also goes out to the Catamount Family Center!

Here's the route Jake and I rode.  I'd say one and half laps.

The conditions were as good as could be expected.  Some sections were actually fun to ride!

Here's Jake ripping up a fun little section in the woods.

But most of it was a mud fest or wet grass!

Jake...Representing with his "Mojo for M" tee..

The bikes took a beaten.  We bailed on the after lunch loop to spare our bottom brackets and drive trains.

Jake fueling up for the drive home.
Jake insisted on taking this picture.  He thought Mikaela might like it.  This kid just looks like he's fast on a bike, and Ross is pretty fit too..  ha..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tucson Day 6 - The Grand Finale - La Milagrosa (the miracle)

If your following this blog, I added to all the old post for this trip so be sure to go back and read about all six days.
Local Tucsonian Duncan was our trusty guide today. We started at the hike-a-bike trailhead for Bugs Springs. Burrrr! it was a cold start at 8:00 AM. Bugs is a fast ripping trail down to Prison Camp - another fast ripping trail! After a breather, we went up Molino Basin over a saddle then down the AZ Trail to the Miligrosa turn-off. What a trail! Tough climbing followed by even tougher descending! Duncan showed us a few moves on the "Waterfall" - yikes! Greg biffed it on a cactus - "Ouch" All and all, a great wrap to an epic week of riding in the brutal but beautiful Sonoran desert!!!
 a big hike-a-bike to warm us up

Still hiking..

Duncan ripping it up!

view from the top

The Waterfall!!

Greg ripping it up!

 Tom Ripping it!

yikes!  A snake.. I almost made it out of the desert without seeing one..

Fantasy Island Pictures..


Tucson, AZ. Day 5 - an easy day...Right!

 Two for one deal. Tom and Greg rode the Arizona Trail from Pistol Hill Road to the Three Bridges and back. About 19 miles in total. After a short recovery, we headed over to Fantasy Island and rode all of the main loops. 12 miles in total. Fast, twisty turny trails with some opportunities to catch air!! This was supposed to be an easy day, but we are feeling the accumulated effects of the trip!!

 Greg on the AZ Trail

Tom on the AZ Trail...

Day 4 data...

Tucson Day 4...Robles Tour

Wednesday already! Met our tour guide - Tim (AZTripper)- at the Star Pass trailhead in Tucson Mountain Park. Tim helped build the trails in Robles - our main destination today. Getting into Robles, we had to ride through a 4 foot high culvert under Ajo Way. A freaky experience! Robles features an assortment of rocky and fairly technical trails, although not in the league of Brown Mountain. Like many a day in Tucson, the riders had their share of tire issues. Greg sliced a sidewall and while he was fixing that, Tim discovered that he had a flat as well. The Camaro Loop featured an old Camaro body in a dry wash. We rode back under a six foot culvert - roomier but still messed with your head. Then, we rode a newish trail that skirts Cat Mountain - pretty danged technical, but fun!
 Twig and berries?

I look fresh....(not for long)

Camaro trail head..

Our guide for today, Tim (Thanks Tim!)

Tucson Day 3 data...

Sometimes you have to pay the price to ride here...ha, ha