Monday, November 8, 2010

Tucson Trip Day 2 - Part 1

Today we rode in the Pima County Tucson Mountain Park.  What a beautiful place, just spectacular view's everywhere you look.  We rode cougar trail up and over to Ringtail trail to Brown Mountain loop.  Huge climbing effort was needed to reach the top of Brown mountain.  Loose jagged rock techy climb.  Once at the top we were rewarded with grand views and a killer down hill.  Massive steps, loose rocks, tight switchbacks.  All while trying to avoid the prickly pear, giant saguaro cactus, hedgehog, teddy bear, and other assortment of cacti that are trying to reach out and stab you with twenty or more spines! 

Giant Saguaro Cactus

Greg attempting a tough left hand switchback turn

Nice hair!

Greg's notes:  The first part of our day featured a tour of the northwest part of Tucson Mountain Park, which is on the west side of the big city. Starting from the K16 parking area, Tom and Greg ventured up Couger Trail and descended down to Kinney Rd, before skirting the lower flanks of Browm Mountain. The trail around Brown starts off mellow enough, but then it sprouts teeth in the form of super-tough technical climbs that send your heart rate through the ceiling! After some scenic ridge line riding, the trail turns down and features rocks, drops, super-tight switchbacks and severe penalties for failure including potential undesirable encounters with a variety of cacti and countless sharp, pointy rocks!! In short, the kind of conditions some mountain bikers can't get enough of.

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